Gas pizza oven is an industrial kitchen equipment that mostly used in fast foods and restaurants. This device has good thermal insulation and its design is based on aerodynamics. Therefore, heat loss is low and saves energy consumption.
You can adjust the speed of conveyor and temperature using electronic equipment installed on it. The body of device is all stainless steel and resistant to rust.
The wheels installed under the oven facilitate its movement. The gas pizza oven is powered by city gas or liquefied petroleum gas. It is easy to wash and has long life.
Equipped with air damper, distributes hot air evenly in the bottom and top of the pizza. This device has a digital thermometer to adjust temperature. A thermostat automatically sets temperature without manual intervention and does not exceed the equilibrium level.
The engine of oven is gearbox that has high power and low noise performance. There are three layers of rock wool insulation on the top and sides of oven to prevent heat loss, which increases heat retention and efficiency.
Mojmeli Traid Group produces gas pizza oven using the latest technologies. Customers can contact our sales experts to inquire about the price of Pizza Oven commercial and consultation.