Peaberry coffee plant normally contains two seeds that develop with flattened facing sides. Sometimes only one of the two seeds is fattened, and the single bean develops with nothing to flatten it. Peaberry coffee beans are from Robusta beans family and have more caffeine than other Robusta beans. They are usually suitable for making espresso and instant coffee .
One of the types of Peaberry coffee beans roast is medium roast, in which case the caffeine of the coffee is preserved and causes a mild taste in it. This type of coffee has medium acidity and heavy body.
The roast of this coffee type is dark, which is suitable for having a bitter and heavy espresso. Also, the dark type, unlike the medium type, has less caffeine and aroma.
Glorize Coffee Company has a long history in the field of roasting and processing coffee which is the producer of the best coffee mix and supplier of coffee beans. Customers can make their purchase online or in person.